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Diffractive Optical Lens made on the Raith Voyager
NNCI and nano@stanford present:

The Advanced Lithography UnSymposium, 2021

9 am - noon, PST
Jan. 21/22, 2021

UnSymposium Partners

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UnSymposium Partner

Raith Nanofabrication

As a world leading manufacturer of nanofabrication instrumentation, Raith helps customers to achieve great results in their field of work. Backed by 50 years of experience and an international service and support structure, Raith supplies the best solutions for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, FIB-SEM nanofabrication, nanoengineering, large area SEM imaging and IC reverse engineering applications.

Raith nanofabrication systems can be found at Harvard CNS (RAITH150), nano@Stanford (VOYAGER), North Carolina State RTNN (RAITH150 Two), Nebraska NNF (RAITH150 Two), University of Kentucky KY Nanoscale (eLINE), University of Chicago SHyNE (EBPG5000 Plus), University of California, San Diego SDNI (EBPG5200), University of Texas, Austin TNF (Raith eLine and ELPHY Pattern generator).

UnSymposium Partner

Heidelberg Instruments

Heidelberg Instruments specializes in the production of high-precision optical direct write lithography systems and maskless aligners. Due to their flexibility, these systems are used in research, development and industrial applications for direct writing and photomask production by some of the most prestigious universities and industry leaders in the areas of MEMS, BioMEMS, nano technology, ASICS, TFT, plasma displays, micro optics, and many other related applications. Heidelberg Instruments.nano, formerly SwissLitho, has joined the Heidelberg instruments team and specializes in scanning probe lithography systems used for patterning structure with feature sizes down to 20nm. H

Heidelberg Direct-write instruments can be found at the following NNCI sites:

- MLA 150 Maskless Aligner (Harvard CNS, Cornell CNF, nano@stanford, Georgia Tech SENIC, UCSD SDNI, University of Chicago SHyNE).
- DWL 66+ (UPenn MANTH, Cornell CNF)
- DWL 66 FS (Kentucky MMNIN)
- DWL 2000 (Cornell CNF, University of Minnesota MiNIC)
- uPG Direct-Write systems (Harvard CNS, NCSU RTNN, Nebraska NNF, SHyNE)

The NanoFrazor (SwissLitho) can be found at Harvard CNS.

UnSymposium Partner


Nanoscribe GmbH develops and provides 3D printers and maskless lithography systems for microfabrication as well as photoresins and process solutions. Today’s market and technology leader for additive microfabrication was founded in 2007 as a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany) and has evolved to a medium-sized company with more than 70 employees and subsidiaries in China and the United States. Worldwide, more than 1,500 scientists at top universities and pioneer companies benefit from Nanoscribe´s groundbreaking technology and award-winning solutions for 3D microfabrication. Rapid and dedicated customer support, as well as a worldwide service, are a matter of course for us.

Nanoscribe instruments can be found at Cornell CNS, nano@Stanford, Harvard CNS, NNI, Senic, Kentucky MMNIN, and MANTH.

UnSymposium Partner

GenISys GmBH

Advancing the Standard Software products for pattern data preparation, proximity and process correction, lithography simulation, inspection and metrology that give researchers, manufacturers and system suppliers unparalleled efficiency, ease of use and optimal value for advanced nano-patterning technologies.

GenISys Beamer software can be found across the NNCI, where electron-beam lithography is available.

UnSymposium Partner

Micro Resist Technology GmbH

Micro Resist Technology GmbH is a leading company for the development and production of innovative photoresists, special polymers as well as ancillaries for micro- and nanolithography and micro-optical applications. MRT’s products are applied in key technologies like microsystems technologies, microelectronics, micro and nano photonics micro and nano engineering as well as in Life Sciences. Serving the global high-tech markets for more than 25 years, MRT’S products enable processes like UV, Laser, X-ray, and e-beam lithography, nanoimprint lithography as well as associated patterning technologies. Further information can be found on our website:

Micro Resist Technology is our newest partner in this series, but their products have long been used through the NNCI and wherever there are demanding lithography patterning needs.


UnSymposium Partner


Eulitha provides nano-patterning services and equipment for applications in photonics, electronics, optoelectronics, displays, biotechnology and other areas. Its proprietary PHABLE™ technology enables low-cost production of periodic structures over large-areas with a non-contact exposure system.  Eulitha also offers solutions based on state-of-the-art e-beam and EUV-IL lithography technologies.

UnSymposium Partner


Alvéole develops innovative tools improving the quality of the cell sample preparation for cell biology and microscopy. Through the fine-tuning of cell microenvironment in vitro, this bioengineering platform provides biologists the control over the development and proliferation of living cells in culture.

UnSymposium Partner

National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI)

The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds the NNCI with the mission of making advanced experimental resources available to researchers, educators, and anyone interested in nano -sciences and -technologies.  The NNCI is comprised of 16 sites encompassing leading university research facilities across the country.  These symposia are an important part of NNCI's aim to democratize access to nano- resources through education and community.