Direct Write Symposium 2022 Partners
Raith Nanofabrication
As a world leading manufacturer of nanofabrication instrumentation, Raith helps customers to achieve great results in their field of work. Backed by 50 years of experience and an international service and support structure, Raith supplies the best solutions for nanofabrication, electron beam lithography, FIB-SEM nanofabrication, nanoengineering, large area SEM imaging and IC reverse engineering applications.
Raith nanofabrication systems can be found at Harvard CNS (RAITH150), nano@Stanford (VOYAGER), North Carolina State RTNN (RAITH150 Two), Nebraska NNF (RAITH150 Two), University of Kentucky KY Nanoscale (eLINE), University of Chicago SHyNE (EBPG5000 Plus), University of California, San Diego SDNI (EBPG5200), University of Texas, Austin TNF (Raith eLine and ELPHY Pattern generator).
Heidelberg Instruments
Heidelberg Instruments specializes in the production of high-precision optical direct write lithography systems and maskless aligners used in research, development and industrial applications for direct writing and photomask production in MEMS, BioMEMS, nano technology, ASICS, TFT, plasma displays, micro optics, and many other related applications.
Their equipment can be found at the following NNCI sites: MLA 150 Maskless Aligner (Harvard CNS, Cornell CNF, nano@stanford, Georgia Tech SENIC, UCSD SDNI, University of Chicago SHyNE); DWL 66+ (UPenn MANTH, Cornell CNF); DWL 66 FS (Kentucky MMNIN); DWL 2000 (Cornell CNF, University of Minnesota MiNIC); uPG Direct-Write systems (Harvard CNS, NCSU RTNN, Nebraska NNF, SHyNE); SwissLitho NanoFrazor (Harvard CNS).
Osiris International
Osiris International is an equipment engineering and manufacturing firm of machines specializing in single-wafer, manual and automated, photolithographic processing equipment. Osiris is partnered with Heidelberg Instruments and this is their first Direct Write symposium here at Stanford.