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K-14 Nano Educator Resources

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Dr. Ahanjit Bhattacharya shares slides which walk through the development of the Langmuir Blodgett Trough by a female scientist in her kitchen; in addition he highlights connections to art and culture!

Meet A Scientist- Kitchen Discoveries Lead to Nanoscale Tool

Learn about Nanotools, Art, Culture, Viruses, and Lipid Connections!

Rachel Porter, a Biophysics PhD candidate, talks about her passion for the environment & shares an experimental procedure about greenhouse gases by the Grandmother of Climate Science, Eunice Newton Foote, for students of all levels.

Meet A Scientist- Following in Her Foote Steps

Experimental design in the context of Climate Science can be discovered by students of all levels 

Learn best practices from Abby Carbone, a Materials Science and Engineering PhD student, and an experienced outreach volunteer on Scanning Electron Microscopes, SEM.

Share Microscopy with Everyone!

How to Lead an Outstanding Outreach event with a SEM Demonstration

 K-14 Resources and Relevant Links

Welcome NNCI Learn and Explore


NNCI Network of 16 sites



Montana Nanotechnology Facility


Montana Nanotechnology Facility

Nano in the News

[Debbie Senesky: I tell students, you made it. You belong.]


Debbie Senesky: I tell students, you made it. You belong.

This aerospace professor found that a supportive family, a gift for math, a solid work ethic and strong mentors were the formula for her success that she now shares.

[Macular Degeneration Retinal Implants]



Implanted chip, natural eyesight coordinate vision in study of macular degeneration patients

A Stanford scientist and his colleagues show that patients fitted with a chip in their eye are able to integrate what the chip “sees” with objects their natural peripheral vision detects.


The Stickiest Non-Sticky Substance


 The Stickiest *Non-Sticky* Substance

Adhesives based on gecko skin can hold huge weights – without sticking to anything.