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NNCI/nano@stanford present:

The Direct Write Symposium, 2022

Friday, July 15, 2022
9 am - 2 pm
Annex Auditorium
Paul G. Allen Building
Stanford University

Direct Write Symposium 2022 Agenda

Main content start


9:00 Welcome & introductions Dr. Sara Ostrowski, Stanford University
9:10 Lensless holographic endoscopes realized with direct laser writing Willi Mantei, Heidelberg Instruments/MPO
9:30 Latest EBL challenges and their solutions Dr. Joe Klingfus, Raith America
9:50 Advancements in two-photon grayscale lithography Michael Higdon, Nanoscribe
10:10 ProSEM automation for metrology Roger McCay, GenISys
10:30 Coffee break  
10:50 Direct-write optical lithography systems and applications Christian Bach, Heidelberg Instruments
11:10 Raith VELION FIB-SEM at MIT.nano - recent application highlights Dr. Yang Yu, Raith America
11:30 An introduction to Nanoscribe's Quantum X product line Michael Higdon, Nanoscribe
11:50 Lunch break (provided) On the patio
12:40 New way to spin and spray-coat for resist and other materials Pirmin Muffler, Osiris International
13:00 Software enabling quantum devices Roger McCay, GenISys
13:20 Closing remarks Dr. Sara Ostrowski, Stanford University
13:30 Happy hour (refreshments provided) On the patio