Raman Universe - a Perfect Guide to Stellar Research
In 2021, we planned to invite Horiba Scientific for a traditional, in-person workshop focused on advanced applications of Raman spectroscopy. But due to the pandemic, we had to pivot to an online event, the first virtual nano @ stanford Raman Workshop, co-hosted with our friends from Horiba Scientific, entitled Raman Universe - a Perfect Guide to Stellar Research.
This short course took place with 5, 2 hour sessions broadcast live each Tuesday. Each session consisted of a 90 minute lecture with 30 minutes of open Q&A. The agenda and titles for the first 4 sessions are posted below; the topic of the last session was selected by popular voting among registrants.
March 16th | Raman Spectroscopy: Fundamentals, Applications and Instrumentation Watch the recording. |
March 23rd | Raman Imaging: Visualizing the Spatial Variation of Chemical Bonding and Solid State Structure Watch the recording. |
March 30th | Raman Crystallography: Applying Raman Polarization Selection Rules in Theory and Practice Watch the recording. |
April 6th | Raman and PL at the nanoscale- why it really matters for the 2D materials Watch the recording. |
April 20th |
Raman Topics chosen by Attendees:
Raman Crystallography session (March 30th)
This presentation will cover some basic theory and practical implications regarding the application of polarization selection rules for Raman spectroscopy of solids. In addition, we will present some clear and practical methods for the application of these rules to obtain more information about solid state structure using Raman spectroscopy. Polarization - Orientation (P-O) Raman spectroscopy can be used to identify vibrational modes, determine crystal structure, distinguish allotropes and polymorphs, differentiate single from polycrystalline materials, and determine orientation of the crystal and degree of disorder, all on a micrometer scale. P-O Raman spectroscopy can be an important analytical tool because of its complementarity to X-ray diffraction. Here, we explain the theoretical basis for P-O micro-Raman spectroscopy and provide several examples to demonstrate its feasibility and beneficial application.
Speaker Bios

David Tuschel
David Tuschel is currently a Raman Applications Scientist at HORIBA Scientific. In this capacity he supports customers in applied Raman spectroscopy. David also shares responsibility with Fran Adar of HORIBA for authoring the Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench, which appears regularly in Spectroscopy magazine. Prior to joining HORIBA, David was a Senior Researcher at the University of Pittsburgh from 2009 to early 2011 working on UV resonance Raman spectroscopy of explosives. He was the Principal Materials Scientist at ChemImage from 2002 to 2008. David was a research scientist and Raman spectroscopist at Kodak from 1985 to 2002 during which time he developed Polarization-Orientation Micro-Raman techniques for the characterization of solid state materials in general and photonic and microelectronic devices in particular. David received his M.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of Arizona under the direction of Prof. Jeanne E. Pemberton. His research involved the study of surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) and its dependence on electrode kinetics.